
Even the most experienced Field Sales Trainers can benefit from a refresher on the most widely recognized skills of coaching. This course considers coaching as a cascade of events beginning with determining the most important and urgent needs for coaching, creating a strategy to approach the coaching situation, execution skills, recognizing that changes often create resistance that must be resolved and once resolved, measurement of progress to mastery following each coaching session. Participants will learn methods of coaching willing performers as well as those who seem unwilling to raise performance levels by practicing the application of the skills in simulated real world situations.

The Train The Trainer 3 course provides participants opportunities to share, learn and practice successful coaching approaches that transfer quickly to the training environment. This curriculum builds on the Field Training expertise that was established in the initial two Train The Trainer curricula.

Participants will discuss and practice the following skills as they apply to real world situations involving new hire and experienced rep training situations:

  • Creating an environment of mutual trust.
  • Setting specific and measurable goals in urgent and important areas that significantly impact results.##Establishing a plan of action to train, coach, manage conflict and mentor the rep as they progress to mastery.
  • Defining “classroom” and field visit activities and communications that increase the probability of successful coaching.
  • Inspiring new hire confidence, sense of belonging and feeling of esteem throughout the training process by applying training, coaching and counseling models to common training situations in order to ensure progress to mastery with the training content.
  • Using formal and informal metrics to confirm: a) trainee reaction to training, b) accountability for short term recall, and c) transfer of learning to the job.

Ideal Participant Profile

Field Sales Trainers who have practical experience with on-boarding several new hires into the sales force. Undeniably, to ensure growth in today’s economy, Sales Reps must practice their skills at expert levels as much as possible but so do Field Sales Trainers. Trainers are the models of future performance. This course enables Field Sales Trainers to be more effective and proactive with developing the company’s next generation of reps. If you expect your Field Sales Trainers to be inspiring leaders of your next generation Sales Rep, this the course is for them.


We have proven that the best way to determine improvement of new skills and knowledge is to measure progress toward objectives at routine intervals.

The goal of routinely measuring progress is to recognize continuous improvement with positive feedback to the learner as well as provide opportunities for immediate corrective feedback as necessary.

During the course, we customize measurement tools to your company’s needs that serve to reinforce and track progress to mastery during training and post-training as well.

  • Gap Analysis Worksheets
  • Sales Call Planning & Review Worksheets
  • Coaching Session Planning Worksheet
  • Training & Coaching Checklist Reviews