Your business objectives and development goals drive the design and development of our Sales Force Effectiveness projects. By matching client development needs with the most effective and efficient blended learning modalities and approaches, we deliver learning programs that result in measurable improvement of skills and knowledge.

Accountability For Results

RMI’s instructial design process ensures that each Sales Force Effectiveness project is tailored to specific learning objectives that improve on-the-job performance and productivity.

Our experience has shown that by understanding your specific needs and the preasure of your work environment, raining can be made relevant, focused, and applicable immediately on the job. Our training professionals work with you to tailor every learning experience to your urgent and important needs.

Gap Analysis

Assessing gaps between current and desired organizational competencies is key to prioritizing learning topics and identifying the level of competency to be addressed in each learning program. This allows us to modify all training components to deliver skills and knowledge targeted to meet your business challenges and the learning needs of your organization.

Design & Development

Once the gaps between current and desired competencies are defined, we design and develop plans to close the gaps. The plan includes learning objectives, content, methods, modalities and measurement. We present these plans to you to confirm alignment and your approval.


Successfu implementation of our blended learning programs is accomplished through a combination of workshop facilitation, distance learning, and coaching the reinforce learning. The right modalities provide opportunities for learning in situations that stimulate the actual work environment and allow immediate transfer of new competencies directly to the job.


The best way to determine improved of new skills and knowledge is to measure progress toward objectives at routine intervals. We will recommend measurements tools that serve to reinforce and track progress to mastery during training and post-training as well. The goal of routinely measuring progress is to recognize continuous improvement with feedback to he learner as well as provide opportunities for immediate corrective feedback as necessary.

Measurement Maintains Progress To Mastery


Training to enhance productivity is not a one-time event. It is necessary to reinforce learning so that the skills are integrated into the learner’s daily routine and used effectively on the job. Once learners are familiar with the basics, reinforcement training and coaching will drive their competency to higher levels of practice.

Progressive Multiple-Phase Learning Process

The result is a blended learning environment in which you, our client, ad our Training & Development experts assume total accountability for learning, transfer, progress to mastery, and productivity results of our projects.